About Us


To unite the Christian community to empower and cause an echoing in the hearts, minds, and souls of the young Christian the importance of a life completely lived for Christ, without compromise or distraction through exhortation, skits, song, dance, and all forms of talent that demonstrate God’s power in our lives.


When we go against the current ideologies and practices of the world, and cling to the Holy Word and Spirit, we will know the reasons for going to church. We will know what our existence means. We will know how important Christ’s death and resurrection is for me, you, and every person out there. 

What the Word of God says

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

-Romans 12:2

Established in 2018

It all started with a vision in early 2017. After being called to Bolivia in South America to serve at a newly opened orphanage, Julie was preparing to go back to the States to serve Christ in a different way. During her time praying, she felt God revealing to her the pain and loss that so many of her young peers were dealing with, all while in the church. When Julie went back to the States in the summer of 2017 she embarked on a new journey, a vision to empower and uplift young men and women just like her to continue pursuing Christ, to live in unconformity to the pressures of the world to sin, and instead be a vessel surrendered to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. 

Since 2018, Against the Current has been encouraging, uplifting, and motivating teens and young adults to do more than just go to church. We hold annual conferences that showcase Christian individuals’ talents, testimonies, and anointing. We want to empower all believers to truly believe in the power of God, not because they grew up in the church or because their parents believe.

We want them to believe because they too have experienced who Jesus is, and in turn determine to go AGAINST THE CURRENT: a life surrendered, dedicated, and wholly yielded to Christ. Without compromise. Without desire for the world. Without fear of going against the current.

We hope you’ll join us in this mission. You can participate in a future event by contacting us, or consider donating to this cause by clicking here.

Julie Sepulveda ATC Founder